The nursery incorporates the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework to support and develop children’s play and learning. This was implemented in September 2014 and in addition the Welfare requirements are adhered to.
The EYFS covers birth to five years and are divided up through the following:A unique child, Positive relationships, Enabling Environments, and Learning and development.
The curriculum is all the planned and unplanned activities that are organised within the nursery and are based heavily on a child’s development which underpins all seven areas of the curriculum:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Physical Development
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Literacy
All children between the ages of 2 and 3 years old, their Keyworker will complete a Progress Check highlighting the progress made in the three prime areas of learning. The Progress Check will be discussed with the parents/ Carer and they will be encouraged to contribute to the report too. A copy of this can be given to the parent/ Carer to share with the health visitor if needed.
When a child starts at the All Saints Day Nursery the starting points are discussed with the Keyworker and are recorded on the document “All about me” which is the foundation that we will start to work from. The Early Years Practitioners will observe your child using the evidenceme package which will also track your child’s progress. These observations will be emailed to you once you accept the link. At the All Saints Day Nursery we use the Birth to Five Matters and Development Matters to support your child’s learning.
Communication days take place on Mondays and Fridays which further support your child in Communication, Language and Literacy.
For further information, contact us on Wolverhampton (01902) 877539