ASAN’s overall vision is to improve quality of life for all people living and working in the All Saints area of Wolverhampton
The mission of ASAN is to work in partnership to create a sustainable organisation responsive to local needs through the development and management of enterprise, employment and environmental projects.
ASAN has the following values which underpin our approach to our work:
- To be accountable to and representative of the local community
- To act commercially and with entrepreneurial flair
- To be creative and innovative in all that we do
- To operate in a sustainable way
- To value our staff, trainees & volunteers
ASAN has five strategic objectives. These flesh out the vision and mission, describing what we are specifically aiming to do in the All Saints community.
Objective 1 – To work with local people to establish community managed services
This objective is at the heart of ASAN’s community development agenda. Since its inception, ASAN has been community led and much of its project activity has been about engaging local people in improving services and facilities in the All Saints area.
Objective 2 – To work towards a sustainable approach to the organisation’s activities
At ASAN, we seek to reduce our environmental impact both within and outside All Saints. Our aim is to reduce consumption of scarce resources through energy conservation measures, re-using existing resources in recycling initiatives and taking steps to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Objective 3 – To provide a route to employment through training, the development of skills and building local capacity
Under this objective we aims to develop training and capacity building initiatives, linked to the activities which take place through the other objectives. We seek to develop training programmes and build people’s capacity through the enterprises we run and through the sports activities on Southside. We also seek to train local people to develop themselves or prepare themselves for the labour market.
Objective 4 – To become financially self-sustaining through the development of physical assets and social enterprise
This objective is central to ASAN’s business development agenda. It is vitally important to the vision of the organisation that there is a means by which we can sustain ourselves long term. We seek to actively develop a range of businesses which generate income. This income can then contribute to community development objectives. As a Development trust we seek to develop a portfolio of assets which enable the organisation to both generate income and provide equity on which we can undertake further business activity.
Objective 5 – To develop and manage the organisation effectively
This objective is about the internal workings of the organisations main office. An ambitious organisation like ASAN needs to be effectively managed in order to meet the objectives we set. We seek to effectively manage our finances, administration, human resources, organisational evaluation and review, marketing, legal support and technology developments. All of the above areas combine to provide ASAN with the infrastructure we need to operate effectively.